Expiring Green Cards: What You Need to Know

Individuals who have received permanent resident alien status in the United State are permitted to remain in the country indefinitely. However, the identification documents that have been issued by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) can and will expire. Luckily, just because your green card is expiring doesn't mean that you are going to be deported immediately. However, it could cause some problems that may require the help of an immigration lawyer. Keep reading to learn some commonly asked questions and their answers regarding expiring green cards.

When Should a Green Card Be Renewed?

It can be a particularly confusing and complex process to renew a green card, and because of this, it is a good idea to get started with the renewal process well in advance of the card's expiration date. In fact, it is recommended that the process begin roughly six months prior to the date of expiration listed on your green card.

What Happens if Your Green Card Has Already Expired?

If you fail to take notice of the fact that your green card is expiring and the expiration date on your card passes, you do not have to panic. You will not be penalized by the USCIS for allowing your green card to expire. However, if you do not renew your green card in a prompt manner, you may face some considerable troubles.

Are There any Criminal Consequences for Failing to Renew a Green Card?

Though it is unlikely for permanent residents to receive criminal charges for allowing a green card to expire, there may be other consequences that are pretty serious. For example, without an up-to-date green card, you may be unable to renew your driver's license, apply for a loan, etc. In addition, without a valid green card, you may not be allowed back into the United States.

What Happens if You Have a Conditional Green Card?

Green cards that are issued on the basis of investment or marriage will generally expire after a period of two years. Rather than having to renew a conditional green card, you will need to speak to an immigration law firm and have these conditions removed so that you can receive a standard green card document that is valid for a term of 10 years.

If you currently have a green card that is about to expire or has already reached its expiration date, get in touch with a local immigration attorney for professional assistance on how to move forward.
