Questions To Ask An Immigration Attorney

When you need an immigration lawyer, how do you go about finding the right one for your needs? There are hundreds of listings online for lawyers in your area, but do you know the questions to ask to narrow down your search? Here's a list of important questions to ask your prospective lawyer in your first meeting. These questions will open lines of communication between you and your lawyer, and help you understand your case better.

What are the steps you'll take to solve my immigration problem?

Ask your lawyer to briefly outline the steps they'll take to handle your case. Ask them what standard procedure is for your specific legal status. People who overstay their visa have a different set of problems than deported illegal immigrants. 

What can I do to ensure success?

You pay your lawyer to get the job done, but you play a big part in this legal case, too. Ask your lawyer what you can do to move things along. They may tell you to get written testimonials from family or friends or apply for specific visas. Asking this question will show your lawyer that you really care about your case and want to be involved.

What is the timeline for my case?

No lawyer can ever give a client an exact date for when legal proceedings will be completed. However, especially if they're a seasoned lawyer, they can give you a good estimate. Depending on your case and the legal meetings involved, your case could take months or even a year. Know what to expect so you can plan your life and save up money to pay the lawyer. 

How busy are you? When will you start on my case?

Many people assume that a transaction of money guarantees that their lawyer will start working on their case right away. This is often not the case. Because lawyers must do thorough and complicated work, they can only focus on a few cases at a time. Make sure your lawyer has the time to work on your case right away. While a busy lawyer is a good sign of quality references and performance, they shouldn't be so busy that your case gets ignored.

You should also find out who else will be working on your case, and how your lawyer likes to communicate. When you ask the right questions, you can determine if the lawyer will be a good fit for you or not. Visit Tesoroni & Leroy if you're looking for an immigration attorney.
